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Immigrants’ Coping with Transnational Deaths and Bereavement: The Influence of Migratory Loss and Anticipatory Grief

We all experience loss and mourning during our life. The death of loved ones, the loss of our job, the break ups are all examples of loss. It is easier to bear the loss when we are in our native land among our own community beside our relatives, but what about when we immigrate?

Nesteruk and his colleagues in 2018 conducted  a research in studying of immigrants’ experiences of bereavement and coping with the deaths of family members in a transnational context,.

Data was collected through personal interviews with middle-aged and elderly immigrants from various countries who had migrated to the United States and have been living there for a majority of their adult lives.

Data analysis showed that the greater the geographical distance from family, the more complex the caregiving and mourning rituals become, affecting the grieving process. On the other hand, this distance acts as an emotional barrier and prevents prolonged mourning.

Immigrants’ U.S.-based family and work responsibilities served as buffers from prolonged grief. 

Over time, immigrants became Americanized in their attitudes toward coping with death and favored a fast return to productive activities.

Finally, immigrants’ experience of migratory loss and anticipatory grief early in immigration, along with their personal growth and resilience developed over time, impacted their bereavement experiences later in life.

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