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Maryam Jalilian

psychoanalytic psychotherapist

Maryam Jalilian has a master’s degree in personality psychology from Azad University, has started her clinical career as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist since 10 years ago. She is a member of Tehran Center For Psychoanalytic Studies. In this period, She has completed numerous specialized courses that are included advanced courses in:  Foundations of Psychoanalysis, Introduction to Psychoanalytic Schools, Developmental Processes, Journal Clubs (Freudian Psychoanalysis, Lacanian Psychoanalysis, Ego Psychology, Self-Psychology, Object Relation theories, Relational Psychoanalysis, Middle School, Psychopathology, Couple Therapy and Family Therapy. In the clinical field, she is interested in working with adolescents and adults, analytical couple therapy and family therapy.