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Dr. Atieh Chapari

psychiatric specialist

Dr. Atieh Chapari, a psychiatric specialist with a psychotherapy fellowship degree from the University of Tehran, started his clinical work as a psychiatrist ten years ago and as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist six years ago.

 Currently, she is a member of the Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, a member of the Iranian Psychiatric Association, and Iranian Psychotherapy Study Association and the world association of dynamic psychiatry(WADP).

She has worked as a member of the Board of Directors of the Analytical Branch of the Iranian Psychotherapy Study Association for one year and has teaching experience in this Association. Chapari is one of the authors of the textbook of psychiatry and behavioral science and one of the translators of the book from the Couch to the Circle.

She has a history of lecturing and presenting articles at psychoanalytic and psychiatry congresses.

Her favorite clinical field is individual psychoanalytic psychotherapy.